I can understand people questioning Arsene Wenger, I really can, but what I don't understand is people calling for his head and demanding that he is replaced.
Of course Wenger isn't the only man in the world capable of managing Arsenal Football Club but you have to concede that the next bloke in charge will have a massive job on his hands.
Arsene's eventual replacement has got to be the right man. It has to be thought out.
Who out there at the moment would you suggest Wenger pass the managerial baton too? I can think of a couple but they are not available.
Josep Guardiola is my personal favourite, and I think in the future it's a possibility, but if Wenger went tomorrow then the Spaniard wouldn't be an option.
For now we are 'stuck' with Arsene Wenger and I'm pleased. Despite the lack of silverware at the club I still feel he is the right man for the job.
Yes, the last few years have been frustrating and Arsene has got questions to answer but I can't join the queue of people demanding he be sacked.
The media don't help. They constantly remind us Gooners, and everybody else, that we haven't won a thing since the Stone Age.
I think a few Arsenal fans, and this is no insult, have been taken in by the media-spin. Although it's been a difficult time I find the way the media treat us disgusting.
It seems to me the media have taken great delight in dividing Arsenal supporters. I wish it worked the other way and united us but that's life.
You don't hear that Liverpool haven't won a thing since 2006, only a year less than our last trophy, do you? Why not?
Sometimes I wish that Arsene Wenger DID go to Real Madrid when they courted him last season. I think a few people would realise that 'you don't realise what you have got until it's gone' or 'the grass isn't always greener on the other side'.
I include Gooners and the media in that.
I think sometimes we Gooners forget that we already have one of the best managers in the world at our club and the media forget what a fantastic man Wenger is.
In our case we have to realise that if Arsene Wenger were available he would easily be the most-sought after manager in the world. No doubts.
The media have to realise that Wenger never ducks a press conference or a question unlike the 'favoured' Alex Ferguson. So why do they try to mug him off?
It's obvious the financial situation (because of the new stadium) at Arsenal has restricted Arsene Wenger. I think he has been throwing hints that the restrictions could finally be lifted.
He wasn't tight before the stadium was built so I expect to see investment this summer.
I think Wenger has done a tremendous job trying to compete with limited funds over the years compared to the likes of Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool and even Spurs. Not forgetting Manchester City's new found wealth.
Could Fergie, Mourinho or Benitez have done same? I doubt it.
Arsene Wenger is a brilliant manager. Of course he has his faults but had he gone Real Madrid we would have suffered.
Wenger is suffering for Arsenal Football Club. The future of Arsenal is secure because he sacrificed himself for the good of the club.
I think he deserves a chance to have a go at managing Arsenal without financial restriction. And it looks like those times are just around the corner.
Keep it Goonerish...................
Of course Wenger isn't the only man in the world capable of managing Arsenal Football Club but you have to concede that the next bloke in charge will have a massive job on his hands.
Arsene's eventual replacement has got to be the right man. It has to be thought out.
Who out there at the moment would you suggest Wenger pass the managerial baton too? I can think of a couple but they are not available.
Josep Guardiola is my personal favourite, and I think in the future it's a possibility, but if Wenger went tomorrow then the Spaniard wouldn't be an option.
For now we are 'stuck' with Arsene Wenger and I'm pleased. Despite the lack of silverware at the club I still feel he is the right man for the job.
Yes, the last few years have been frustrating and Arsene has got questions to answer but I can't join the queue of people demanding he be sacked.
The media don't help. They constantly remind us Gooners, and everybody else, that we haven't won a thing since the Stone Age.
I think a few Arsenal fans, and this is no insult, have been taken in by the media-spin. Although it's been a difficult time I find the way the media treat us disgusting.
It seems to me the media have taken great delight in dividing Arsenal supporters. I wish it worked the other way and united us but that's life.
You don't hear that Liverpool haven't won a thing since 2006, only a year less than our last trophy, do you? Why not?
Sometimes I wish that Arsene Wenger DID go to Real Madrid when they courted him last season. I think a few people would realise that 'you don't realise what you have got until it's gone' or 'the grass isn't always greener on the other side'.
I include Gooners and the media in that.
I think sometimes we Gooners forget that we already have one of the best managers in the world at our club and the media forget what a fantastic man Wenger is.
In our case we have to realise that if Arsene Wenger were available he would easily be the most-sought after manager in the world. No doubts.
The media have to realise that Wenger never ducks a press conference or a question unlike the 'favoured' Alex Ferguson. So why do they try to mug him off?
It's obvious the financial situation (because of the new stadium) at Arsenal has restricted Arsene Wenger. I think he has been throwing hints that the restrictions could finally be lifted.
He wasn't tight before the stadium was built so I expect to see investment this summer.
I think Wenger has done a tremendous job trying to compete with limited funds over the years compared to the likes of Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool and even Spurs. Not forgetting Manchester City's new found wealth.
Could Fergie, Mourinho or Benitez have done same? I doubt it.
Arsene Wenger is a brilliant manager. Of course he has his faults but had he gone Real Madrid we would have suffered.
Wenger is suffering for Arsenal Football Club. The future of Arsenal is secure because he sacrificed himself for the good of the club.
I think he deserves a chance to have a go at managing Arsenal without financial restriction. And it looks like those times are just around the corner.
Keep it Goonerish...................